Weather Alerts Tailored To Your Business Needs
Only you know which types of weather pose the greatest risks to your business. That's why we've developed a highly customizable weather warning system, ensuring that every notification you receive is pertinent to your operations.
Select Thresholds That Make Sense to You
You can choose any parameter from the Weather API for your weather alerts, setting your preferred thresholds. These can be used individually or combined. For instance, you may opt to receive an alert whenever the forecasted temperature at your location exceeds 30°C, or when both the temperature exceeds 30°C and the forecasted wind speeds remain below 4 mph.
Choose Any Location or Region in the World
You can add as many individual locations as you want to your alerts by simply providing their longitude and latitude. Alternatively, you can also receive alerts for entire regions thanks to our API's polygon query capability.
Receive Warnings Timely
The system will continuously monitor the conditions, ensuring it remains vigilant for the triggers you've established. You can adjust how many days in advance you want to receive an alert. The system will send you a warning as soon as that date arrives, provided your thresholds are met.
Receive Alerts Based on the Most Accurate Weather Data
The alerts are based on the most accurate weather data available in the market, sourced from our unique and exclusive Meteomatics Premium Mix, including EURO1k data.
Choose How To Receive Your Warnings
By default, users receive notifications via e-mail, SMS, or both. However, if you prefer to receive alerts in a different manner, just let us know by selecting "Other" in the contact form. For instance, would you like to integrate them into your own app? That can be done!
Configure the Look and Feel of Your Warnings
To make it easy to understand warnings at a glance, we can use color coding and your preferred icons. For instance, we can highlight high danger in red, medium danger in orange, and no danger in green (or whatever colors you prefer). Plus, you can customize icons for each parameter according to your preferences.
Talk to Us Directly via the Hotline
For any questions about your alerts, you can talk to our team of meteorologists thanks to a dedicated hotline.
CEO / Founder
The alerts are based on the most accurate weather data available in the market, sourced from our unique and exclusive Meteomatics Premium Mix, including EURO1k data.
Protect Your Business With Weather Alerts
Severe weather poses risks to many industries, but only you know what threatens you the most. With Meteomatics, you receive tailored warnings, suited to your needs.
Ready To Start Receiving Weather Alerts? Talk to Us!
Head of Meteorology
Weather Warnings
Protect Your Business With Tailored Weather Alerts
Tell us your needs and our team of meteorologists will configure the ideal weather alerts specifically suited to your needs.