absolute_humidity_2m:gm3 |
abs. humidity at level 2m [g/m3] |
air_density_000m:kgm3 |
atmospheric air density, [kg/m3] available up to 20km altitude |
air_density_mean_000m_00h:kgm3 |
mean atmospheric air density, [kg/m3] available up to 20km altitude from
1h to 24h
air_quality:idx |
air quality index considering trace gases and particulate matter
air_quality_no2:idx |
air quality index for Nitrogen Dioxide
air_quality_o3:idx |
air quality index for Ozone
air_quality_pm2p5:idx |
air quality index for PM2.5
air_quality_pm10:idx |
air quality index for PM10
air_quality_so2:idx |
air quality index for Sulfur Dioxide
alder_pollen_warning:idx |
warning levels for different alder pollen loads |
ambrosia_pollen_warning:idx |
warning levels for different ambrosia pollen loads |
ash_pollen_warning:idx |
warning levels for different ash pollen loads |
birch_pollen:grainsm3 |
birch pollen concentration [grains/m3] |
birch_pollen_warning:idx |
warning levels for different birch pollen loads |
bise_index:hPa |
Bise strength [hPa] (cold, dry Wind from NO, in Switzerland) |
bise_index:idx |
Bise index (cold, dry Wind from NO, in Switzerland) |
black_carbon_aod_550nm:idx |
black carbon optical depth at 550nm |
black_carbon_hydrophil:ugm3 |
hydrophilic black carbon concentration at surface [µg/m3] |
black_carbon_hydrophob:ugm3 |
hydrophobic black carbon concentration at surface [µg/m3] |
cape:Jkg |
convective available potential energy (indication of atmospheric
lability) [J/kg]
ceiling_height_agl:m |
ceiling height above ground level [m] |
cin:Jkg |
convective inhibition (indication of atmospheric stability) [J/kg]
clear_sky_energy_00h:J |
clear sky energy of previous time period, available up to 24h [J/m2]
clear_sky_rad:W |
clear sky radiation flux [W/m2] |
climatological_regime:idx |
ensemble cluster climatological regime |
cloud_base_agl:m |
cloud base above ground level [m] |
cloud_layer:idx |
a graphic index describing the cloud transmission as an RGB image |
cloud_liquid_water:kgm2 |
cloud liquid water [kg/m2] |
co:ugm3 |
carbon monoxide concentration at surface [µg/m3] |
cold_index:idx |
cold index |
control_cluster:idx |
index of ensemble cluster control run |
convective_cloud_top_height_agl:m |
convective cloud top height above ground level [m] |
convective_epot_avail_1d_efi:idx |
convective available potential energy index, deep organised convection,
anomaly likelihood (EFI) over 1 day range
convective_epot_avail_1d_sot:idx |
convective available potential energy index, deep organised convection,
potential extremity (SOT) over 1 day range
convective_epot_avail_shear_1d_efi:idx |
convective available potential energy shear index, deep organised
convection, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over 1 day range
convective_epot_avail_shear_1d_sot:idx |
Convective available potential energy shear index, deep organised
convection, potential extremity (SOT) over 1 day range
cooling_degree_days:cdd |
cooling degree days (accumulated temperature difference above 15°C)
cooling_degree_days_base_10C:cdd |
cooling degree days with variable base temperature (accumulated
temperature difference above 10°C) [cdd]
covid_half_life:min |
Time that has to pass until half of the present COVID-19 concentration
decays [min]
covid_decay_90:min |
Time that has to pass until 90% of the present COVID-19 concentration
decays [min]
covid_decay_99:min |
Time that has to pass until 99% of the present COVID-19 concentration
decays [min]
daily_cooling_degree_days:hdd |
daily cooling degree days (accumulated temperature difference above 15°C) [cdd] |
daily_cooling_degree_days_base_base-level:hdd |
daily cooling degree days with variable base temperature (accumulated temperature difference below the base level) [cdd] |
daily_heating_degree_days:hdd |
daily heating degree days (accumulated temperature difference below 15°C) [hdd] |
daily_heating_degree_days_base_base-level:hdd |
daily heating degree days with variable base temperature (accumulated temperature difference below the base level) [hdd] |
desert_days:d |
desert days |
deterministic_cluster:idx |
index of ensemble cluster deterministic run |
dew_or_rime:idx |
dew or rime (dew=1, rime=-1) |
dew_point_000m:C |
dew point temperature, available from 0 to 20000 m height [C] |
dew_point_mean_000m_00h:C |
mean dew point temperature, available from 0 to 20000 m height up to 24h
dew_point_min_000m_00h:C |
minimum dew point temperature, available from 0 to 20000 m height up to
24h [C]
dew_point_max_000m_00h:C |
maximum dew point temperature, available from 0 to 20000 m height up to
24h [C]
dew_point_2m_10y_mean:C |
mean dew point temperature over the last 10 years at 2m [C] |
diffuse_rad:W |
diffuse radiation flux [W/m2] |
diffuse_rad_00h:J |
accumulated diffuse radiation of previous time period, available up to
24h [J/m2]
direct_rad:W |
direct radiation flux [W/m2] |
direct_rad_00h:J |
accumulated direct radiation of previous time period, available up to
24h [J/m2]
direct_rad_tilt_00_orientation_000:W |
direct radiation flux on a tilted surface with a certain orientation [W]
direct_rad_tilt_00_orientation_000_00h:J |
accumulated direct radiation on a tilted surface with a certain orientation of previous time period, available up to 24h [J/m2]
drought_index:idx |
drought index [-4 to 4, percentile deviation from average] |
dry_days:d |
number of dry days |
dust_0p03um_0p55um:ugm3 |
dust 0.03 -0.55 µm concentration [µg/m3] |
dust_0p55um_0p9um:ugm3 |
dust 0.55 -0.9 µm concentration [µg/m3] |
dust_0p9um_20um:ugm3 |
dust 0.9 - 20 µm concentration [µg/m3] |
dust_aod_550nm:idx |
dust optical depth at 550nm |
effective_cloud_cover:octas |
effective cloud cover [octas] |
effective_cloud_cover_mean_00h:octas |
mean effective cloud cover over previous time period, available up to
24h [octas]
elevation:m |
elevation of ground above sea level [m] |
end_time_step:h |
ensemble cluster last time step |
evaporation_00h:mm |
evaporation of previous time period, available up to 24h [mm] |
evapotranspiration_00h:mm |
evapotranspiration of previous time period, available up to 24h [mm]
first_high_tide:sql |
first high tide [sql] |
first_low_tide:sql |
first low tide [sql] |
fog_warning_1h:idx |
index for fog detection [0 or 1] |
forest_fire_warning:idx |
index for risk of forest fires |
fosberg_fire_weather_index:idx |
Fosberg fire weather index |
freezing_level:m |
Freezing level [m] |
freezing_rain_1h:idx |
Index for freezing rain |
fresh_snow_00h:cm |
fresh snow of previous time period, available up to 24h [cm] |
frost_days:d |
frost days [d] |
frost_depth:cm |
frost depth [cm] |
frost_warning:idx |
frost warning (<-10°C=2, < -1°C=1, otherwise 0) |
geopotential_height_000hPa:m |
geopotential height, available at 1000hPa to 10hPa and flight levels
FL10 - FL900 [m]
geopotential_height_mean_000hPa_00h:m |
mean geopotential height, available at 1000hPa to 10hPa and flight
levels FL10 - FL900, for intervals up to 24h [m]
geopotential_height_min_000hPa_00h:m |
minimum geopotential height, available at 1000hPa to 10hPa and flight
levels FL10 - FL900, for intervals up to 24h [m]
geopotential_height_max_000hPa_00h:m |
maximum geopotential height, available at 1000hPa to 10hPa and flight
levels FL10 - FL900, for intervals up to 24h [m]
global_rad:W |
global radiation flux [W/m2] |
global_rad_00h:J |
accumulated global radiation of previous time period, available up to
24h [J/m2]
global_rad_tilt_00_orientation_000:W |
global radiation flux on a tilted surface with a certain orientation [W] |
global_rad_tilt_00_orientation_000_00h:J |
accumulated global radiation on a tilted surface with a certain orientation of previous time period, available up to 24h [J/m2] |
global_rad_10y_mean:W |
global radiation of previous 10y mean [W/m2] |
grass_land_temperature_sum:C |
sum of grass land temperature [C] |
grass_pollen:grainsm3 |
grass pollen concentration [grains/m3] |
grass_pollen_warning:idx |
grass pollen load warning [idx] |
growing_degree_days_accumulated:gdd |
accumulated growing degree days [gdd] |
prob_ground_frost_00h:p |
probability for ground frost [%] |
hail_00h:cm |
max. diameter of hail in the previous time period, available up to 24h
heat_index:C |
heat index incorporating temperature and humidity [C] |
heating_days:d |
heating days (24h-mean < 15°C) [d] |
heating_degree_days:hdd |
heating degree days (accumulated temperature difference below 15°C)
heating_degree_days_base_10C:hdd |
heating degree days with variable base temperature (accumulated
temperature difference below 10°C) [hdd]
heavy_rain_days:d |
days of heavy rain (precipitation sum > 10mm) [d] |
heavy_rain_warning_00h:idx |
warning for heavy rain during the previous time period, available up to
high_cloud_cover:octas |
high cloud cover [octas] |
high_cloud_cover_mean_00h:octas |
mean effective cloud cover over previous time period, available up to
24h [octas]
high_cloud_cover_10y_mean:p |
high cloud cover - 10 years average [%] |
hot_days:d |
number of hot days (24h max. temp > 30°C) [d] |
ice_days:d |
number of ice days (24h max. temp < 0°C) [d] |
icing_potential_000hPa:idx |
icing potential, available from 1000hPa to 300hPa and on flight levels
FL10 - FL606
icing_potential_mean_000hPa_00h:idx |
mean icing potential, available from 1000hPa to 300hPa and on flight
levels FL10 - FL606 for periods up to 24h
icing_potential_min_000hPa_00h:idx |
minumum icing potential, available from 1000hPa to 300hPa and on flight
levels FL10 - FL606 for periods up to 24h
icing_potential_max_000hPa_00h:idx |
maximum icing potential, available from 1000hPa to 300hPa and on flight
levels FL10 - FL606 for periods up to 24h
incessant_rain_warning_00h:idx |
warning for incessant rain during the previous time period, available
for 12h, 24h, 48h, 72h
is_day:idx |
day (0/1) |
is_fog_1h:idx |
was there fog within the last hour (0/1) |
is_fog_30min:idx |
was there fog within the last 30 minutes (0/1) |
is_in_shadow:idx |
in shadow |
is_night:idx |
night |
is_not_in_shadow:idx |
not in shadow |
is_open_water_body:idx |
is it water or land |
is_rain_1h:idx |
was there rain within the last hour (0/1) |
is_rain_30min:idx |
was there rain within the last 30 minutes (0/1) |
is_sleet_1h:idx |
was there sleet within the last hour (0/1) |
is_sleet_30min:idx |
was there sleet within the last 30 minutes (0/1) |
is_slippery_road_00h:idx |
were there slippery road conditions within the last time period,
available up to 24h (0/1)
is_snow_1h:idx |
was there snow fall within the last hour (0/1) |
is_snow_30min:idx |
was there snow fall within the last 30 minutes (0/1) |
kp:idx |
sun activity index (KP-index) |
land_usage:idx |
index for land usage |
laundry_index:idx |
index for drying laundry |
layer_thickness_500hPa_1000hPa:m |
thickness of the air layer between 500hPa and 1000hPa [m] |
layer_thickness_500hPa_700hPa:m |
thickness of the air layer between 500hPa and 700hPa [m] |
layer_thickness_700hPa_1000hPa:m |
thickness of the air layer between 700hPa and 1000hPa [m] |
layer_thickness_700hPa_850hPa:m |
thickness of the air layer between 700hPa and 850hPa [m] |
layer_thickness_850hPa_1000hPa:m |
thickness of the air layer between 850hPa and 1000hPa [m] |
leaf_wetness:idx |
leaf wetness index |
leisure_ballooning:idx |
leisure index ballooning |
leisure_bbq:idx |
leisure index BBQ |
leisure_beach:idx |
leisure index beach |
leisure_biking:idx |
leisure index biking |
leisure_climbing:idx |
leisure index climbing |
leisure_fishing:idx |
leisure index fishing |
leisure_gardening:idx |
leisure index gardening |
leisure_gliding:idx |
leisure index gliding |
leisure_hiking:idx |
leisure index hiking |
leisure_hunting:idx |
leisure index hunting |
leisure_sailing:idx |
leisure index sailing |
leisure_skiing:idx |
leisure index skiing |
leisure_tv:idx |
leisure index watching TV |
lifted_index:K |
lifted index (related to stability of the atmosphere) [K] |
lightning_strikes_00km_00h:x |
number of lightning strikes in the last time period (up to 24h) within a
radius (1 to 20 km)
low_cloud_cover:octas |
low cloud cover [octas] |
low_cloud_cover_10y_mean:p |
low cloud cover - 10-year average [%] |
low_cloud_cover_mean_00h:octas |
mean low cloud cover during the previous time period, available up to
24h [octas]
max_individual_wave_height:m |
maximum individual wave height [m] |
max_pollen_warning:idx |
maximum pollen load warning |
mean_direction_total_swell:d |
mean direction total swell [d] |
mean_direction_wind_waves:d |
mean direction wind waves [d] |
mean_period_total_swell:s |
mean period total swell [s] |
mean_period_wind_waves:s |
mean period wind waves [s] |
mean_wave_direction:d |
mean wave direction [d] |
mean_wave_direction_first_swell:d |
mean wave direction first swell [d] |
mean_wave_direction_second_swell:d |
mean wave direction second swell [d] |
mean_wave_direction_third_swell:d |
mean wave direction third swell [d] |
mean_wave_period:s |
mean wave period [s] |
mean_wave_period_first_moment:s |
mean wave period first moment [s] |
mean_wave_period_first_swell:s |
mean wave period first swell [s] |
mean_wave_period_second_moment:s |
mean wave period second moment [s] |
mean_wave_period_second_swell:s |
mean wave period second swell [s] |
mean_wave_period_third_swell:s |
mean wave period third swell [s] |
medium_cloud_cover:octas |
amount of medium cloud cover [octas] |
medium_cloud_cover_10y_mean:p |
amount of medium cloud cover - 10-year average [%] |
medium_cloud_cover_mean_00h:octas |
mean medium cloud cover over the previous time period, available up to
24h [octas]
mixing_ratio_000hPa:kgkg |
water vapour mixing ratio, available from 1000 to 300 hPa and on flight
levels FL10-FL605 [kg/kg]
model_topo_deviation:m |
deviation of the model's topography to the measured topography [m]
moehlin_jet:idx |
Möhlin jet (Switzerland: south-east wind from Fricktal) |
moon_age:d |
moon age in days since new moon [d] |
moon_azimuth:d |
moon azimuth [d] |
moon_elevation:d |
moon elevation [d] |
moon_light:p |
moon light [%] |
moon_phase:idx |
moon phase |
moon_vis_area:p |
illuminated area of the moon [%] |
moonrise:sql |
moon rise time [SQL-date] |
moonset:sql |
moon set time [SQL-date] |
most_similar_year:y |
most similar year [y] |
msl_pressure:hPa |
mean sea level pressure [hPa] |
msl_pressure_10y_mean:hPa |
mean sea level pressure - 10-year average [hPa] |
mugwort_pollen_warning:idx |
warning levels for mugwort pollen load |
no2:ugm3 |
NO2 - nitrogen dioxide concentration at the surface [µg/m3] |
no:ugm3 |
NO - nitrogen oxide concentration at the surface [µg/m3] |
north_atlantic_oscillation:idx |
NAO-Index (north atlantic oscillation) |
north_foehn_index:idx |
index for north foehn |
number_of_clusters:x |
number of clusters in ensemble cluster model |
number_of_forecasts_in_cluster:x |
number of ensemble runs in one cluster |
o3:ugm3 |
ozone [µg/m3] |
ocean_current_direction:d |
ocean current direction at the surface [d] |
ocean_current_direction_000m:d |
ocean current direction, available up to 1000m below mean sea level [d]
ocean_current_speed:ms |
ocean current speed at the surface [m/s] |
ocean_current_speed_000m:ms |
ocean current speed, available up to 1000m below mean sea level [m/s]
ocean_current_u:ms |
u-vector of ocean current at the surface [m/s] |
ocean_current_u_000m:ms |
u-vector of ocean current, available up to 1000m below mean sea level
ocean_current_v:ms |
v-vector of ocean current at the surface [m/s] |
ocean_current_v_000m:ms |
v-vector of ocean current, available up to 1000m below mean sea level
ocean_depth:m |
ocean depth [m] |
oh:pgm3 |
hydroxide radical concentration [pg/m3] |
olive_pollen:grainsm3 |
olive pollen concentration [grains/m3] |
ones:x |
just ones (for comparison) |
pbl_height:m |
height of the planetary boundary layer |
peak_wave_period:s |
peak wave period [s] |
phytophthora_negative:idx |
phytophthora negative prognosis (index for safety measures against
potato blight)
pm10:ugm3 |
particulate matter PM10 concentration [µg/m3] |
pm1:ugm3 |
particulate matter PM1 concentration [µg/m3] |
pm2p5:ugm3 |
particulate matter PM2-5 concentration [µg/m3] |
polar_vortex_10hPa:ms |
polar vortex 10 hPa [m/s] |
polar_vortex_200hPa:ms |
polar vortex 200 hPa [m/s] |
polar_vortex_50hPa:ms |
polar vortex 50 hPa [m/s] |
pollen:grainsm3 |
pollen concentration [grains/m3] |
power_line_oscillation_24h:idx |
power line oscillation overload warning index |
precip_00h:mm |
amount of precipitation in the previous time period, available for 5min
to 24h [mm]
precip_00h_10y_mean:mm |
amount of precipitation in the previous time period - 10 year average
[mm], available for 5min to 24h
precip_convective_5min:mm |
convective precipitation[mm]
precip_large_scale_5min:mm |
large-scale precipitation[mm]
precip_type:idx |
precipitation type |
precip_type_00h:idx |
precipitation type during the previous time period, available up to 24h
precip_type_intensity_00h:idx |
precipitation type intensity during the previous time period, available
up to 24h
pressure_000m:hPa |
atmospheric pressure, available up to 20 km altitude [hPa] |
pressure_mean_000m_00h:hPa |
mean atmospheric pressure, available up to 20 km altitude, for periods
up to 24h [hPa]
contrail_000m:p |
probability for contrails, available from 0 to 20000 m height and on pressure levels 1000hPa to 70hPa and on flight levels FL10 - FL606 [%]
prob_precip_00h:p |
probability of precipitation in the previous time period, available up
to 24h [%]
prob_rime:p |
rime probability [%] |
prob_slippery_road_00h:p |
probability for slippery roads in the previous time period, available up
to 24h [%]
prob_snowfall:p |
probability for precipition in form of snow [%] |
prob_tropical_cyclone:p |
probability of a tropical cyclone to hit [%] |
prob_tstorm_00h:p |
probability of thunderstorms in the previous time period, available up
to 24h [%]
ragweed_pollen:grainsm3 |
ragweed pollen concentration [grains/m3] |
rain_days:d |
number of days with rain [d] |
relative_humidity_000m:p |
relative humidity, available up to 20 km [%] |
relative_humidity_mean_000m_00h:p |
mean relative humidity, available up to 20 km at intervals up to 24h [%]
relative_humidity_min_000m_00h:p |
minimum relative humidity, available up to 20 km at intervals up to 24h
relative_humidity_max_000m_00h:p |
maximum relative humidity, available up to 20 km at intervals up to 24h
relative_humidity_2m_10y_mean:p |
relative humidity at 2m - 10 year average [%] |
representative_member:idx |
index of the representative member of a cluster |
return_period:yrs |
time for extreme weather events to return [years] |
roughness_length:m |
roughness length [m] |
runway_visual_range:m |
runway visual range [m] |
salinity:psu |
salinity [psu] |
santa_ana_wind:idx |
santa-ana-wind |
sat_cloud_type:idx |
cloud type based on satellite imagery |
sat_day_fog:idx |
day fog satellite product (graphic only, requires specific colormap)
sat_hrv:idx |
high resolution visible sat channel (graphic only) |
sat_ir_016:idx |
infrared satellite channel with wavelength of 1.6 µm |
sat_ir_039:K |
brightness temperature for infrared satellite channel with wavelength of
3.9 µm [K]
sat_ir_104:K |
brightness temperature for infrared satellite channel with wavelength of
about 10.4 µm [K]
sat_ndvi:idx |
normalised differential vegetation index sat product |
sat_night_fog:idx |
night fog satellite product (graphic only, requires specific colormap)
sat_rgb:idx |
colored sat image (graphic only, requires specific colormap) |
sat_rgb_hd:idx |
colored sat image with higher resolution over Europe (graphic only,
requires specific colormap)
sat_storm_warning:idx |
index for storm cell detection [0 or 1] |
sea_salt_0p03um_0p5um:ugm3 |
amount of sea salt 0.3-0.5µm [µg/m3] |
sea_salt_0p5um_5um:ugm3 |
amount of sea salt 0.5-5µm [µg/m3] |
sea_salt_5um_20um:ugm3 |
amount of sea salt 5-20µm [µg/m3] |
second_high_tide:sql |
second high tide [sql] |
second_low_tide:sql |
second low tide [sql] |
sfc_pressure:hPa |
surface pressure [hPa] |
sfc_pressure_mean_00h:hPa |
surface pressure mean over the previous time period, available up to 24h
significant_height_total_swell:m |
significant height total swell [m] |
significant_height_wind_waves:m |
significant height wind waves [m] |
significant_wave_height:m |
significant wave height [m] |
significant_wave_height_first_swell:m |
significant wave height first swell [m] |
significant_wave_height_max_1d_efi:idx |
maximum wave height, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over 1 day range |
significant_wave_height_max_1d_sot:idx |
maximum wave height, potential extremity (SOT) over 1 day range |
significant_wave_height_second_swell:m |
significant wave height second swell [m] |
significant_wave_height_third_swell:m |
significant wave height third swell [m] |
snow_density:kgm3 |
snow density [kg/m3] |
snow_depth:cm |
snow depth [mm or cm or m] |
snow_drift:idx |
risk of deposit of snow by wind [index from 0-6] |
snow_line:m |
height above which precipitation occurs in the form of snow [m] |
snow_melt_00h:mm |
snow melt (water equivalent) in previous time period, available from
10min to 24h [cm]
snow_warning_00h:idx |
warning for heavy snowfall during the previous time period, available up
to 48h
snow_water_equivalent:m |
snow water equivalent [mm or m] |
snowfall_1d_efi:idx |
snowfall index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over 1 day range |
snowfall_1d_sot:idx |
snowfall index, potential extremity (SOT) over 1 day range |
so2:ugm3 |
SO2 - sulfur dioxide concentration at the surface [µg/m3] |
soaring_index:idx |
soaring index. classifies the thermal conditions |
soil_frost:p |
chance for soil frost occurrence [%] |
soil_moisture_deficit:mm |
soil moisture deficit (measure for droughts) [mm] |
soil_moisture_index_-150cm:idx |
soil moisture index at a depth of 150 cm |
soil_moisture_index_-15cm:idx |
soil moisture index at a depth of 15 cm |
soil_moisture_index_-50cm:idx |
soil moisture index at a depth of 50 cm |
soil_moisture_index_-5cm:idx |
soil moisture index at a depth of 5 cm |
soil_type:idx |
index for soil type |
solar_eclipse:p |
solar eclipse [p] |
solar_power_xxx:unit |
solar power for specified installed capacity, orientation and/or tracking [kW or MW] |
south_foehn_index:idx |
index for South Foehn |
southern_oscillation:idx |
southern oscillation index |
start_time_step:h |
ensemble cluster first time step [h] |
stokes_drift_dir:d |
direction of Stokes drift [d] |
stokes_drift_speed:ms |
Stokes drift speed [m/s] |
stokes_drift_speed_u:ms |
Stokes drift speed u-component [m/s] |
stokes_drift_speed_v:ms |
Stokes drift speed v-component [m/s] |
summer_days:d |
number of summer days (24 max temperature > 25°C)[d] |
sun_azimuth:d |
sun azimuth [d] |
sun_elevation:d |
sun elevation [d] |
sunrise:sql |
sunrise [SQL date] |
sunset:sql |
sunset [SQL date] |
sunshine_duration_00h:min |
duration of sunshine in the previous time period, available up to 24h
sunshine_duration_24h:p |
relative duration of sunshine in the previous 24h [%] |
super_cooled_liquid_water:kgm2 |
super cooled liquid water (total column) [kg/m2] |
super_cooled_liquid_water_layer_bottom:m |
super cooled liquid water layer bottom [m] |
super_cooled_liquid_water_layer_top:m |
super cooled liquid water layer top [m] |
surge_amplitude:cm |
abnormal rise in seawater [cm] |
t_-000cm:C |
soil temperature, available at -5 cm, -15cm, -50 cm, -150 cm [C] |
t_000m:C |
air temperature, available up to 20000 m, from 1000hPa to 10hPa and on
flight levels FL10-FL900 [C]
t_2m_10y_mean:C |
temperature at 2m - 10 year average [C] |
t_2m_00d_sot:idx |
2 metre temperature index, potential extremity (SOT) over time period,
available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_00d_sot_q10:idx |
2 metre temperature index, potential extremity (SOT, lower tail) over
time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_00d_efi:idx |
2 metre temperature index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over time period,
available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_max_00d_efi:idx |
maximum temperature at 2 metres index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over
time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_max_00d_sot:idx |
maximum temperature at 2 metres index, potential extremity (SOT) over
time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_max_00d_sot_q10:idx |
maximum temperature at 2 metres index, potential extremity (SOT, lower
tail) over time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_min_00d_efi:idx |
minimum temperature at 2 metres index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over
time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_min_00d_sot:idx |
minimum temperature at 2 metres index, potential extremity (SOT) over
time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_2m_min_00d_sot_q10:idx |
minimum temperature at 2 metres index, potential extremity (SOT, lower
tail) over time period, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
t_apparent:C |
temperature perceived by humans [C] |
t_apparent_max_00h:C |
maximum temperature perceived by humans over the given interval, available at 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h intervals |
t_apparent_mean_00h:C |
mean temperature perceived by humans over the given interval, available at 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h intervals |
t_apparent_min_00h:C |
minimum temperature perceived by humans over the given interval, available at 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h intervals |
t_cloud_top:C |
temperature at cloud top [C] |
t_lake:C |
lake temperature [C] (for lakes in Switzerland, Austria and Germany)
t_max_00m_00h:C |
maximum temperature, available at -150 cm to 20000 m, for intervals up
to 24h [C]
t_mean_00m_00h:C |
mean temperature, available at -150 cm to 20000 m, for intervals up to
24h [C]
t_min_00m_00h:C |
minimum temperature, available at -150 cm to 20000 m, for intervals up
to 24h [C]
t_potential_000hPa:C |
potential temperature, available from 1000hPa to 10hPa and on flight
levels FL10-FL900 [C]
t_potential_max_000hPa_00h:C |
maximum potential temperature, available from 1000hPa to 10hPa and on
flight levels FL10-FL900, for intervals up to 24h [C, K or F]
t_potential_mean_000hPa_00h:C |
mean potential temperature, available from 1000hPa to 10hPa and on
flight levels FL10-FL900, for intervals up to 24h [C, K or F]
t_potential_min_000hPa_00h:C |
minimum potential temperature, available from 1000hPa to 10hPa and on
flight levels FL10-FL900, for intervals up to 24h [C, K or F]
t_wet_bulb_globe:C |
wet-bulb globe temperature [C, K or F]
tc_ch4:ugm2 |
total column CH4 methane [µg/m2] |
tc_no2:ugm2 |
total column NO2 - nitrogen dioxide [µg/m2] |
tc_no:ugm2 |
total column NO - nitrogen monoxide [µg/m2] |
tc_o3:ugm2 |
total column O3 - ozone [µg/m2] |
tc_so2:ugm2 |
total column SO2 - sulfur dioxide [µg/m2] |
thaw_depth:cm |
thaw depth [cm] |
theta_e_000m:C |
equivalent potential temperature, available at up to 20000 m and from
1000 hPa to 70 hPa [C]
theta_w_000m:C |
wet bulb potential temperature, available at up to 20000 m and from 1000
hPa to 70 hPa [C]
tidal_amplitude:cm |
tidal amplitude [cm] |
total_aod_1240nm:idx |
total aerosol optical depth at 1240nm |
total_aod_550nm:idx |
total aerosol optical depth at 550nm |
total_aod_670nm:idx |
total aerosol optical depth at 670nm |
total_aod_865nm:idx |
total aerosol optical depth at 865nm |
total_cloud_cover:octas |
total cloud cover [octas] |
total_cloud_cover_mean_00h:octas |
mean total cloud cover, available up to 24h [octas] |
total_cloud_cover_10y_mean:p |
total cloud cover - 10 year average [%] |
total_precipitation_accumulation_00d_efi:idx |
total precipitation index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over time range,
available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
total_precipitation_accumulation_00d_sot:idx |
total precipitation index, potential extremity (SOT) over time range,
available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
tropical_nights:d |
number of tropical nights (24h min. temperature > 20°C) [d] |
tstorm_height_1h:m |
height for thunderstorms during the requested time period, available up
to 24h and returned in m, ft (above sea level), FL or hPa
tstorm_warning_00h:idx |
warning for thunderstorms during the previous time period, available up
to 24h
t_sea_sfc:C |
sea surface water temperature [C] |
turbulence_ellrod_000hPa:s2 |
Ellrod turbulence index, available from 950 to 10 hPa and on flight
levels FL20-FL900 [s-2]
turbulence_ellrod_max_000hPa_00h:s2 |
maximum Ellrod turbulence index, available from 950 to 10 hPa and on
flight levels FL20-FL900 for intervals up to 24h [s-2]
turbulence_ellrod_mean_000hPa_00h:s2 |
mean Ellrod turbulence index, available from 950 to 10 hPa and on flight
levels FL20-FL900 for intervals up to 24h [s-2]
turbulence_ellrod_min_000hPa_00h:s2 |
minimum Ellrod turbulence index, available from 950 to 10 hPa and on
flight levels FL20-FL900 for intervals up to 24h [s-2]
uv:idx |
UV index |
vapor_pressure_deficit_2m:hPa |
instantaneous vapor pressure deficit at 2m [hPa] |
vapor_pressure_deficit_max_2m_00h:hPa |
maximal vapor pressure deficit at 2m for up to 24h [hPa] |
vapor_pressure_deficit_mean_2m_00h:hPa |
mean vapor pressure deficit at 2m for up to 24h [hPa] |
vapor_pressure_deficit_min_2m_00h:hPa |
minimal vapor pressure deficit at 2m for up to 24h [hPa] |
vegetation_days:d |
number of vegetation days [d] |
visibility:m |
visibility [m] |
volumetric_soil_water_-00cm:m3m3 |
soil water content, available at depths of -5 cm, -15 cm, -50 cm, -150
cm [m3/m3]
volumetric_soil_water_max_-00cm_00h:m3m3 |
maximum soil water content, available at depths of -5 cm, -15 cm, -50
cm, -150 cm for intervals up to 24h [m3/m3]
volumetric_soil_water_mean_-00cm_00h:m3m3 |
mean soil water content, available at depths of -5 cm, -15 cm, -50 cm,
-150 cm for intervals up to 24h [m3/m3]
volumetric_soil_water_min_-00cm_00h:m3m3 |
minimum soil water content, available at depths of -5 cm, -15 cm, -50
cm, -150 cm for intervals up to 24h [m3/m3]
water_vapour_flux_00d_efi:idx |
water vapour flux index forecast-period-averaged, anomaly likelihood
(EFI) over time range, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
water_vapour_flux_00d_sot:idx |
Water vapour flux index forecast-period-averaged, potential extremity
(SOT) over time range, available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d, 6w
weather_code_00h:idx |
weather code of previous time period, available up to 24h |
weather_symbol_00h:idx |
weather symbol of previous time period, available up to 24h |
weather_text_de:str |
description (German) of current weather conditions based on location
weather_text_en:str |
description (English) of current weather conditions based on location
weather_text_fr:str |
description (French) of current weather conditions based on location
weather_text_it:str |
description (Italian) of current weather conditions based on location
weekday:idx |
weekday depending on date and time in UTC [idx] |
wet_bulb_t_000hPa:C |
wet bulb temperature, available at 0 m, 2 m, 100 m and from 1000 hPa to
300 hPa [C]
wind_dir_000m:d |
wind direction, available up to 20000 m [d] |
wind_dir_mean_000m_00h:d |
mean wind direction for the previous time period, available up to 20000
m for intervals up to 24h [d]
wind_gusts_000hPa_00h:ms |
wind gusts in the previous time period, available up to 20000 m and from
1000 hPa to 10 hPa for intervals up to 24h [m/s]
wind_gust_10m_1d_efi:idx |
10 metre wind gust index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over 1 day range
wind_gust_10m_1d_sot:idx |
10 metre wind gust index, potential extremity (SOT) over 1 day range
wind_power_turbine_xxx_hub_height_100m:kW |
wind power for a specified turbine model and hub height [kW]
wind_speed_000m:ms |
wind speed, available up to 20000 m, from 1000 hPa to 10 hPa and on
flight levels FL10-FL900 [m/s]
wind_speed_10m_00d_efi:idx |
10 metre wind speed index, anomaly likelihood (EFI) over time range,
available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d
wind_speed_10m_00d_sot:idx |
10 metre wind speed index, potential extremity (SOT) over time range,
available for 1d, 3d, 5d, 10d
wind_speed_10m_10y_mean:ms |
wind speed at 10 m, 10 year mean [m/s] |
wind_speed_mean_000m_00h:ms |
mean wind speed for the previous time period, available up to 20000 m
for intervals up to 24h [m/s]
wind_speed_min_000m_00h:ms |
minimum wind speed for the previous time period, available up to 20000 m
for intervals up to 24h [m/s]
wind_speed_u_000m:ms |
wind speed vector u, available up to 20000 m, from 1000 hPa to 10 hPa
and on flight levels FL10-FL900[m/s]
wind_speed_v_000m:ms |
wind speed vector v, available up to 20000 m, from 1000 hPa to 10 hPa
and on flight levels FL10-FL900 [m/s]
wind_speed_w_000hPa:Pas |
vertical wind speed, available from 1000 hPa to 70 hPa and on flight
levels FL10-FL605 [Pa/s]
wind_warning_00h:idx |
wind warning for the previous time period, available up to 24h |
windchill:C |
wind chill temperature [C] |
windchill_max_00h:C |
the maximum wind chill temperature over the given interval, available at 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h intervals |
windchill_mean_00h:C |
the mean wind chill temperature over the given interval, available at 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h intervals |
windchill_min_00h:C |
the minimum wind chill temperature over the given interval, available at 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h intervals |
zeros:x |
timeseries of constant zeros |