Error Codes

The following table lists all possible error codes that can appear when making an API query:

HTTP Error Code Description Comments
100 Continue Handshake/Authorization
200 OK
206 Partial Content further clarification about what is available in the error message (e.g. temporal or spatial availability of the queried model)
400 Bad Request further clarification about what part of the URL is wrong in the message
401 Unauthorized Handshake/Authorization
402 Payment Required Handshake/Authorization
403 Forbidden Handshake/Authorization
404 Not Found further clarification about what is available in the error message (e.g. temporal or spatial availability of the queried model)
408 Request Time-Out
413 Request Entity Too Large too much data queried
414 Request-URI Too Large too long URI (try to rewrite)
429 Too Many Requests limits of license reached
500 Internal Server Error further clarification about the problem in the message
501 Not Implemented
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Time-Out
505 HTTP version not supported