Isolines | Label High and Low pressure systems | Automated Weather Fronts

Isolines, Label Pressure Systems and Weather Fronts


The Meteomatics API allows to get data in order to visualize isolines for different parameters. The data about isolines is provided in the format GeoJSON, which can be easily integrated in any web-application.<fields>
parameterParameter from the available parameters in the API. Note that only one parameter can be fetched per isoline query.parameter=t_2m:C
bboxA bounding box specified by maximal and minimal latitude and longitude formatted according to bbox=<min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat> (please note the order).bbox=5.8,45.7,10.7,47.9
Optional fields
datetimeA single point in time (UTC) as specified in the section Date/Time Description. datetime always refers to validdatetime. The default setting is now.datetime=2018-04-12T12:45Z
isoline_rangeDefine an interval for which isolines shall be generated. The structure is as follows: start,end,spacing.isoline_range=-40,40,5
isoline_valuesDefine a single value or a list of values for which isolines shall be generated. If isoline_values=5 is set for temperature, then only the 5 °C-isotherm is generated.isoline_values=0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3
resolutionSet the resolution of the input data, which the calculated isolines are based on (either in degrees or pixels): <resolution_lat>,<resolution_lon> or <number_lons>x<number_lats>resolution=0.05,0.05 or resolution=400,300
sourceSelect the desired model/source.source=mix
radius_median_filterSmoothing of isolines. Enter number between 0-10. Default is 1.radius_median_filter=1
radius_gaussian_filterSmoothing of isolines. Enter number between 0-10. Default is 3.radius_gaussian_filter=3
isoline_min_pointsMinimum number of points per isolines. Must be at least 2.isoline_min_points=2


Label High and Low pressure systems

The Meteomatics API also allows to label regions of high and low pressure with the corresponding letters H and L. The data format is a GeoJSON file, which provides minima and maxima of mean sea level pressure in a given boundary box. This allows for an easy integration in any web-application.<fields>
parameterParameter which the labeling of highs and lows is based on.parameter=msl_pressure:hPa, parameter=geopotential_height_700hPa:m
bboxA bounding box specified by maximal and minimal latitude and longitude formatted according to bbox=<min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat> (please note the order).bbox=5.8,45.7,10.7,47.9
Optional fields
datetimeA single point in time (UTC) as specified in the section Date/Time Description. datetime always refers to validdatetime. The default setting is now.datetime=2018-04-12T12:45Z
isoline_rangeDefine an interval for which isolines shall be generated. The structure is as follows: start,end,spacing. The default setting for the parameter msl_pressure:hPa is 960, 1040, 4 (in hPa). If other units like Pa or psi are used, the interval has to be defined in the respective unit.isoline_range=1000,1020,3
isoline_valuesDefine a single value or a list of values for which isolines shall be generated. If isoline_values=5 is set for temperature, then only the 5 °C-isotherm is generated.isoline_values=0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3
resolutionSet the resolution of the input data, which the calculated isolines are based on (either in degrees or pixels): <resolution_lat>,<resolution_lon> or <number_lons>x<number_lats>resolution=0.05,0.05 or resolution=400,300
sourceSelect the desired model/source.source=mix
radius_median_filterSmoothing of isolines. Enter number between 0-10. Default is 4.radius_median_filter=1
radius_gaussian_filterSmoothing of isolines. Enter number between 0-10. Default is 3.radius_gaussian_filter=3


Automated Weather Fronts

The Meteomatics API allows to get automatically identified weather fronts. It distingushes between cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts and upper-level fronts. Also, the direction in which the fronts are moving is provided. The data to display automated weather fronts is provided in the format GeoJSON, which can be easily integrated in any web-application.<fields>
datetimeA single point in time (UTC) as specified in the section Date/Time Description. datetime always refers to validdatetime. datetime=2023-04-27T12:45Z
bboxA bounding box specified by maximal and minimal latitude and longitude formatted according to bbox=<min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat> (please note the order).bbox=5.8,45.7,10.7,47.9
Optional fields
sourceSelect the desired model/source. The default setting is ecmwf-ifs.source=ecmwf-ifs, source=ncep-gfs, source=ukmo-um10
